Our Approach

Our Vision

Our founder believes that security is paramount and we strive, everyday, to enhance all security operations for our clients, in order for them to either conduct business in austere environments, a general feeling of safety and an overall feeling of security. Whether it’s hackers, thieves, pirates, terrorists, etc… we will always prevail during peacetime or at war, at home and abroad…Semper Fi

Our Story

While working in Baghdad – thinking about the future, Joe watched as other security companies fumbled the ball (so to speak), he knew he could do it better. Joe has a background in Marine Corps, Army , DOD Counterintelligence and CoIN (Counter Insurgency) Contracting in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, our Joe is a Gulf War Era Veteran with extensive work in Central and South America while in a Riverine Unit working Counter Drug and a Contract Intel employee during OIF/OEF, amongst other wars.

The Team

Joe F

President & CEO

USMC, US Army and DOD Counterintelligence and CoIN Contractor

C Finley

Director of Operations



Independent Operations

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